Laser Enhanced Decompression Therapy
Do you have a herniated disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is your doctor suggesting surgery, Pain Management, or Physical Therapy? Have you tried Chiropractic and just could not get enough relief? Come try out Laser Enhanced Decompression Therapy.
Laser Enhanced Decompression Therapy is the hottest new therapeutic treatment for painful nerve compression and disc herniation syndromes! It is very affordable and less expensive and safer than surgery.
Laser Enhanced Decompression Therapy is the hottest new therapeutic treatment for painful nerve compression and disc herniation syndromes! It is very affordable and less expensive and safer than surgery.
Laser Enhanced Decompression Therapy is an effective treatment for the following conditions.
- Herniated disc
- Degenerative disc
- Facet syndrome
- Sciatica
- Arthritis of the lumbar spine
- Post-surgical patients
- Spinal Stenosis
The disc is responsible for a significant number of low back/leg pain and syndromes. Compression increases intradiscal pressure which can damage the disc and supporting structures. This damage can lead to low back pain.
Since the disc is an avascular structure, it doesn’t receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires “diffusion” created by motion and ‘decompression’ to restore nutrients and enhance healing.
Dr Smith uses the Flexion-Distraction method of decompression. This is a hands-on method which is gentle and more effective than mechanical methods of decompression. The K-laser is incorporated to enhance the healing process for faster recovery times. For more information on the K-laser click HERE.
Since the disc is an avascular structure, it doesn’t receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires “diffusion” created by motion and ‘decompression’ to restore nutrients and enhance healing.
Dr Smith uses the Flexion-Distraction method of decompression. This is a hands-on method which is gentle and more effective than mechanical methods of decompression. The K-laser is incorporated to enhance the healing process for faster recovery times. For more information on the K-laser click HERE.